ComicsPRO is the only trade organization dedicated to the progress of direct market comic book retailers.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

ComicsPRO Northern California Meeting on Newsarama

Ian Brill does a good job covering the Northern California recruitment meeting we just had, right here:

We'd like to take an especial moment to thank The Cartoon Art Museum, and Andrew Farago in particular, for letting us us thier space to meet, and Baker & Taylor for underwriting the refreshments. Yay for them!

Next stop: Vegas!


Sunday, February 11, 2007

ComicsPRO Annual Meeting Registration

The registration form has been posted, just click here to download and print:

We're working on the scheduling details, and hope to post a tentative schedule soon. It is a great help to us in meal and space planning to have registration numbers, so the sooner you get these in the better!
