ComicsPRO is the only trade organization dedicated to the progress of direct market comic book retailers.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Marvel Feedback from the 2011 meeting

David Gabriel of Marvel Entertainment shared with ComicsPRO that the small group and one-on-one discussion with member retailers at the ComicsPRO Annual Membership Meeting was very productive, and will be very helpful to Marvel going forward.

Following up on retailer discussions with ComicsPRO members at the Dallas membership meeting, Marvel Comics has announced some adjustments that should benefit direct market retailers:

Marvel Mailer

The Marvel Mailer with information about Marvel comics that comes to direct-market retailers will become much more dynamic.

As a result of hearing from so many retailers, Diamond will be able to create something more closely resembling Diamond Daily, with images and links, making it much more efficient.

Movie Bundles
In order to serve customers with the trade paperbacks and graphic novels that will most closely tie to Marvel movies, Marvel has created a Thor bundle of trades that will be announced in the Marvel Mailer that can serve as add-on sales to fans interested in the Thor movie, or new fans created from the new interest in the property.

Target goals for incentives
Many retailers at the ComicsPRO meeting asked if the individual order goals they need to hit to get Marvel sales incentives could be sent directly to each store. This would help stores as they order and make it easier to hit the incentive. David Gabriel spoke with Diamond and has asked them to make this a top priority.

Gabriel said to ComicsPRO, "thanks, without you, this would not have been brought to our attention."

ComicsPRO would like to thank Marvel for their attendance at the meeting and for their willingness to listen and respond to member concerns.

We have received positive feedback from several of the vendors and retailers who have attended the meeting and we are happy to share it. If you attended our Annual Membership Meeting and have something you'd like to add, contact us through the ComicsPRO website!

Diamond Comic Distributors has also allowed us to continue our partnership by presenting a panel at the upcoming Diamond Summit in Chicago. Executive Director Amanda Emmert will discuss many of the topics that were covered at our annual meeting and how those can help retailers in the upcoming year. We look forward to working with you in March!