Director Carr D'Angelo on CCI-San Diego panel
Comics lovers, Carr invites you all to one of his panels:
Thursday July 24 1:00-2:00 The Future of the Comics Pamphlet—Are serialized comics in a death-spiral? Is the graphic novel the sole shape of comics to come? Retailers including Carr D'Angelo (Earth-2 Comics, Sherman Oaks CA), publishing representatives including Joe Keatinge (Image Comics), and cartoonists discuss the state of the periodical with moderator Douglas Wolk (Reading Comics). Room 32AB
Carr's Spoiler alert: "I am in the anti-death spiral camp."
Thursday July 24 1:00-2:00 The Future of the Comics Pamphlet—Are serialized comics in a death-spiral? Is the graphic novel the sole shape of comics to come? Retailers including Carr D'Angelo (Earth-2 Comics, Sherman Oaks CA), publishing representatives including Joe Keatinge (Image Comics), and cartoonists discuss the state of the periodical with moderator Douglas Wolk (Reading Comics). Room 32AB
Carr's Spoiler alert: "I am in the anti-death spiral camp."
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